Grass is always greener on the other side

Comparing is a dangerous habit. We all compare ourselves with someone else on the grounds of lifestyle, possessions, good looks and many things and often end up being sad for not having all those things. It's human nature everyone must have felt so at some point or the other in their lives.
But while comparing ourselves to someone who is more privileged 'according to us', we forget that do we really need all these things? Often you will find the answer as 'No'. When you look at a film star immediately you say what a life.. I wish I was a star! but do you ever think how many sacrifices people do to get that stardom. Are you ready to sacrifice? Are you ready to have control on diet & spend 3 hours in gym toning your body & always worry about what next? how long my career would last? All that glitters is not gold & Getting what you desire is not a piece of cake.
Let's think other way round, there are so many people who dreams to live your life because you may not have all the fancy things & popularity but you are content & that's why many out there wants to be you.We always compare our selves to the people who we think better but if you look at underprivileged ones you would thank god & your parents. 
Imagination is free so go on but don't forget you would never know how lucky someone is unless you put on his shoes.

Grass is always greener on the other side


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